Eminent Domain and Condemnation Appraisal
Eminent Domain Appraisal Valuation refers to right-of-way easements and acquisitions by a governmental agency for the widening and locating of roadways, highways, floodways, drainage areas, utility lines, public access, governmental buildings, schools and other facilities. It requires an independent, unbiased appraiser to value the property area being affected, which is typically privately-owned, to be utilized for a public or governmental purpose. However, the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution indicates that just compensation must be paid to the property owner by the proposed user, based on market valuations of the partial acquisition or easement, before the property can be utilized for a public use.
Condemnation appraisal is when an eminent domain valuation and/or a proposed use of the privately-owned property is challenged and goes before the courts and is litigated in a judicial manner. Mr. Hulet has extensive experience in both Eminent Domain and Condemnation appraisal, and he has testified in court on numerous occasions as well as participating in depositions.
Not only does Mr. Hulet have extensive experience in commercial and land property appraisals (see About tab in this website for a list of property types appraised by Mr. Hulet), but he has appraised numerous property types for eminent domain purposes, including proposals for roadways, highways and freeway expansions, intersections, road widenings, public utility lines, floodway channels and canals, drainage properties, city parks, noise and smell easements, right-of-way easements and acquisitions, unmarketable properties, land-locked properties, right-of-way abandonments, flood plain properties, as well as libraries, post offices, municipal offices, jails, court buildings and other governmental buildings.
Mr. Hulet has worked for decades with the largest municipalities in Arizona, including but not limited to: Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), Arizona State Land Department (ASLD), Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT), Flood Control District of Maricopa County (FCDMC), Salt River Project (SRP), Arizona Public Service (APS), City of Phoenix, other Arizona city governments, attorneys and private property owners as well.